By using Quality Food Products online shopping services, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined here. By doing any of the following, you agree to the terms and conditions of Quality Food Products online service.

  • For now, online shopping service is available for Karachi city only.
  • By using Quality Food Products online shopping services, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined here. 
  • In order to shop on Quality Food Products website, please follow the instructions:
    • Select the product you want to purchase, the quantity and click “ADD TO BASKET.” 
    • After selecting all that you want to purchase, please click the “CHECKOUT” button and follow the instructions to complete your order. 
    • You can change your order in your shopping basket before you click “PLACE ORDER” button.
    • Your order will be processed and cannot be changed once you click “PLACE ORDER” button.
    • If accepted, a confirmation note will be displayed providing your order / tracking number.
    • You will also receive a confirmation email shortly after your order has been submitted.
    • You may track your order by using your order / tracking number included in your order confirmation email.
  • Payment term is strictly ‘Cash on Delivery’.
  • You may not use Quality Food Products online services to:
    • Post indecent, violent, objectionable, fake, harmful or unlawful content
    • Post personal or private information of others
    • Request personal information from others
    • Violate the defined rules / instructions
    • Harass other users in any manner
    • Violate copyright matters
    • Hack, introduce viruses, or tamper with Quality Food Products website
    • Conduct scams
    • Spamming the service or other users
  • You agree that content on this website contains proprietary information including names, images, logos, videos, designs, posters, infographics and is owned by Quality Food Products and copyright protected. You agree that you will not use any of the proprietary information or material in any way whatsoever except for use of the services for personal and noncommercial uses. You further agree that no portion of the content will be reproduced, modified or expressed in any manner not specially authorized.
  • You should be aware that Quality Food Products privacy policy (display link) applies to the use of our website.
  • Whilst we try to be accurate as much as possible with the information provided on Quality Food Products website, we will continue to make reasonable efforts to maintain the accuracy of information related to our products and services. We do not warrant that products’ description or other content is updated, accurate or errorless. Prices and promotions are subject to change and may vary from time to time. Sometime an item on our page may be out of stock or an item may be mispriced. For any such reason, we may cancel your order or contact you for further instructions.
  • We aim to deliver your order within 24 to 48 hours of the order submission. However, it is requested to keep the window of flexibility open due to possible unforeseen / uncontrollable delays such as road closures, protests, violence etc.
  • You are entitled to cancel your order within 12 hours of the order submission without giving any reason for doing so.
  • In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by:
    • By sending us an email:  and referring purchase order number.
    • By calling on: 021 34687171 (Business house) and refer purchase order number.
  • For dispute resolution, a virtual team meeting between a senior manager of Quality Food Products and the person with a claim in the first instance be a chance to reach a resolution without either party having to incur the costs of an arbitrator or the court.


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Whole Spices

Cutter & Powder

Mixed Spices
